Monday, September 22, 2008

what happens every morning at my desk

hand on my heart,

i solemnly swear not to mention my college major anymore on my audio blog. otherwise, i rather enjoy using gabcast.

america's next top sloth

i wasted HOURS watching a re-run marathon of cycle six of "america's next top model" yesterday. having a dvr for the first time has rekindled my deep, burning love for television. i actually looked at my roomate at one point and said to her, "i love this show SO MUCH". i easily scoff, however, when she mentions how much she loves vh1's "i love money". i have a gavel with my name engraved on it and i am the judger from judgetown. real world rejects are poop stains, wanna be models are poetry.

if you love "top model" and you love true truth, you need to be reading . rich, the author of that blog, is a prince among paupers of pop-culture analysis. also, if you like project runway, top design, or mad men, check out . media isn't meant to be just eaten, its meant to be digested . these people will teach you how to chew.

ps: omgwtf heroes starts tonight!

thesinkster's audio blog #2

Gabcast! thesinkster's audio blog #2